BitchBuzz: How to Cope with the Summer Heat

My column this week focuses on the horrible hot and humid weather we’re having in a less than serious fashion. Everyone on Twitter will recognise the various stages in composition yesterday (and thanks, Lucy for the penguin comment). The three years, eleven months, six days, twelve hours and fifteen minutes I spent in Houston all…

BitchBuzz: Rebekah Brooks: The Charm Offensive

I’m off to Readercon today, picking up folks along the way, including a certain mad Ukrainian in Northampton if all goes according to plan. I will doubtless post more this weekend as there are sure to be entertaining things to write about, like torturing Todd and dishing with Liz. I can’t believe I’m scheduled at…


I am back to columnizing while I panic about the big move. Reminding myself: break it down, do it little by little, stop looking at the enormity of it all! Applies to both subjects, I suppose. Sigh. Atheists, Rationalists & Rape By K. A. Laity The “rational answer” depends entirely upon your starting point. While…

BitchBuzz: How to Pack Like a Pro

Does this count as at least thinking about packing for England? I have got as far as realising I need to do some laundry before packing. Today will be for catching up on all grading. I’ve canceled the play reading for Tuesday: what was I thinking anyway?! It would have been insane. I forgot Monday…

BitchBuzz: Judy Judy Judy

My column today seems to be snagging the zeitgeist, as Publishers Weekly picked up on the same story. If you don’t know the saga of Pennsylvania English teacher Judy Buranich, read on: The Problem with Literary Slut Shaming By K. A. Laity Because women don’t write anything important, right? Shocking revelations this week—or at least…

The Passing of Poly Styrene

Or as Brazill suggested, “Poly Gone.” The Passing of Poly Styrene By K.A. Laity Punk icon Poly Styrene (given name Marianne Joan Elliott-Said) has died at the far too young age of 53 after battling advanced breast cancer. She’d been on Twitter for weeks getting the word out about her new album Generation Indigo with its catchy…

BitchBuzz: Exploding on the Internet

So, yeah — it’s a bit late. The column I usually send in on Wednesday to appear on Thursday was there, unsent, Thursday late. I would say I can’t believe I did that, but it’s all too believable with the hectic way things are. I take it as a reminder to slow down and pay…

BitchBuzz: Why Elizabeth Taylor Mattered

My column pays tribute to the luminous Ms. Taylor; I want to sit down and enjoy Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? with some friends. Such a good and harrowing film! I altered the last line of my bio as a nod to the movie 🙂 Why Elizabeth Taylor Mattered By K.A. Laity I don’t think…

BitchBuzz: Women’s History Month WTFs

It’s the middle of Women’s History Month and we’re facing some of the most aggressive attacks on women ever in this country, while people are overwhelmed by the terrible tragedies in Japan and the desperate battles for autonomy in the Gulf as people fight against dictators who have traditionally been propped up with help from…

BitchBuzz: The Value of Telling Your Own Story

Oh my! A week from today I will be in ROME with the lovely Alessandra! I can hardly believe it and so must redouble my efforts to make sure everything that needs to be done is done. Deep breath. I can do it! Yes, yes. But I’m so excited 🙂 and yes, doubtless I will…