Tuesday A/V: Rook

My audio, soon to be visual —
‘Rook’ is a story from Unquiet Dreams. I wrote it in Leicester although it’s set in Galway. Knowing I needed a flash piece to read that day for the open mic Alasdair Stuart organised for Alt.Fiction — and as usual hating everything I had already written up to that point — I sat down with a cup of tea in the cafe at the Phoenix and wrote this while Adele ran around whipping people into shape. I read it to an audience later than morning. A good day’s work, eh? I plan to add some photos from Bohermore Cemetery, Eyre Square and the Long Walk. Missing Galway. I ended up dedicating the story to my pal Maura, who might appreciate its melancholy yet hopeful tone. I miss Ireland.

I enjoy the simple production of audio and videos. I’m not terribly concerned with quality. I just like playing around, creating things. You should too. Stop worrying, just make stuff. You’ll feel better.

Visit Todd’s for a round up of A/V gems you may have missed.


  1. Widdershins says:

    I like that … ‘just make stuff. You’ll feel better.’ … beautifully said!

    1. katelaity says:

      And completely true!

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