Fox Spirit at EdgeLit2


What a delightful thing to see all the shiny books crowding together like this! In just about a year Fox Spirit Books has released a variety of titles that beautifully represent their raison d’être: mixing up genres at will, refusing to conform to old categories. And succeeded brilliantly!

Not only was it wonderful to see all the books together, but to see many of the skulk themselves gathered together, too. Pop over to the official write up for more pictures and details (which is where I pinched the pictures from). We had a wonderful launch for NOIR CARNIVAL with bearded ladies, dog-faced boys, tattooed men and more. Chloë and James read from their stories and tantalised the audience, then everyone enjoyed cupcakes and wine and bought books!

Despite the horrible heat I had a grand time, and it was great to have a chance to hang out with Madame Yates much more. She’s of that small number of people I gladly breakfast with 🙂 I’m having a little visit with Adele now, plotting more plans for Fox Spirit and world domination.



  1. How wonderful! I wish I could’ve been there.

    1. katelaity says:

      That would have made a great time even more TRANSPLENDENT!

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