Writer Wednesday: Drag Noir

Tilda Suited by Sherman

Tilda wants to know: are you polishing your submission for Fox Spirit Books’ Drag Noir? You’ve got a month. Remember, it’s gotta be noir, but it’s gotta have drag in some way too:

That’s what we want for DRAG NOIR: this is a call for stories where glamour meets grit, where everyone’s wearing a disguise (whether they know it or not) and knowing the players takes a lot more than simply reading the score cards. Maybe everyone’s got something to hide, but they’ve got something to reveal, too. Scratch the surface and explore what secrets lie beneath — it’s bound to cost someone…a lot.

For insight into my tastes as an editor, take a look at these:


  1. Widdershins says:

    Tilda … *swoons*

    1. katelaity says:

      Tilda is the stuff, eh?

  2. Trust Tilda’s stuff will get a tantalize in disguise from my spit and polish . . . well, it IS for a Kate Laity production after all . . . How could my keyboard resist the clarion call?

    ~ Absolutely*Kate, lemon pledge in hand

    1. katelaity says:

      I’d expect no less.

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