Deluxe Strange & Norrell FTW

I was delighted — in the mad, action-packed, over-filled days before my departure — that the much anticipated last-I-swear-splurge-before-imminent-unemployment arrived: the Folio Society edition of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. Many of you know how much I delight in Susanna Clarke’s novel, but with the addition of illustrations and glorious endpapers by Charles Vess, is…

A Blow on A Bruise

“A blow, expected, repeated, falling upon a bruise with no smart or shock of surprise, only a dull and sickening pain and the doubt whether another like it could be borne.” Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited

Dundee Tapestry

Because I am missing Dundee, I finally remember to upload some photos of the Dundee Tapestry at the V&A as well as one from before the talk with Iain R. Webb for his exhibit The Fashion Show, which was also great fun. Yes, The Cundeez feature in the tapestry, which is pretty cool. This year…

Around the Toon

Things have been so busy: they will not get less so. Making the most of sabbatical; making plans for the post-academic possibilities. Endings are beginnings: beginnings are also endings. We closed on the house: Bertie has made the last long journey for all the necessaries. Change is the only constant. Dundee is a lovely town…

Nacreous Clouds

We were treated to nacreous clouds in Dundee after the solstice. I was mesmerised and took far too many photos of the rainbow-coloured clouds that formed before the sun rose, reflecting its light. There are always wonders to come.

Winter Solstice

I watched the live stream from Newgrange this morning hosted by the Office of Public Works (and soon uploaded to their YT channel). It never gets old, this connection to the past (is that irony?) and the thought of how people worked out the technology and marked the passage of the longest night in hopes…

Hilma af Klint & Mondrian

I believe the exhibit is ending soonish, so I ought to get around to sharing some photos which I neglected to do back when I was in London. There’s always too much going on. The illusion that sometime I will be ‘caught up’ is one I should have relinquished long ago. Exciting new things to…

EUPop2023 at Stirling

I will spare you most of my photos taken as notes but the campus itself was gorgeous and full of oystercatchers who nest between the buildings which are then closed to keep them safe. So lovely! I was planning to go up to the castle and cemetery during our free afternoon — mostly to think…

Happy Midsummer

Hope your day is magnificent: Broughty Ferry brought the breezes and blue skies.