Prints & Punk Rock

Another zippy trip down to Connecticut to see my pals. Great to see Marko, Bilokur and of course the Queen of Everything, Stephanie Johnson. After all these year, I finally caught up with Peter Crowley, too! Can’t believe we’ve never actually been in the same place at the same time. Had a faboo time, Agent Cooper seemed to take the trip with ease — hurrah! Madly busy this ‘holiday’ week, so here’s a slide show of some of the fun, including the Punk Rock Jukebox, the city rooster, the print show and more. I came back with art and a smile!

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  1. Chloe Yates says:

    Did you buy the cats? I covet the cats!

    1. katelaity says:

      I have one of the cat prints that’s not in the big aggregate one. That’s awesome, eh?

  2. Chloe Yates says:

    Oh man, you’re lucky. They’re absolutely corking. That Vegemite is a dab hand with her … er, hands!

    1. katelaity says:

      Indeed 🙂

  3. SL Johnson says:

    Never mind my hands, Mme Marmite- I shall send you a spare cat if I have one!

    1. katelaity says:

      LOL, how about the spare rooster?

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