Leicester Comic Con / London Rambles

I headed off to the southern lands last weekend to join the fabulous Adele for Leicester Comic Con and some Fox Spirit Books plotting and planning.

We set up at the con
We set up at the con
And then added art
And then added art
Lots of people came --
Lots of people came —
We sold lots -- even Catwoman bought one of my books!
We sold lots — even Catwoman bought one of my books!
Then we relaxed at Adele's...
Then we relaxed at Adele’s…
We went to see more comics at the British Library.
We went to see more comics at the British Library.
We had cake in the crypt, as you do.
We had cake in the crypt of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, as you do.
We thought about all the things we saw with wonder (lies! we were discussing how hard you had to swing an axe to break bone...)
On the train back to the Midlands we thought about all the things we saw with wonder…lies! We were discussing how hard you had to swing an axe to break bone. Our fellow passengers loved us!

More on the exhibit later!


  1. Widdershins says:

    Cake in a crypt, and breaking bones! What’s not to love? 😀

    1. katelaity says:

      We have fun!

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