Byron’s Visit


It’s always lovely to have visitors. I hadn’t actually seen Byron face to face since the witchcraft conference at Harvard years ago. Of course we keep up via social media (which is one of the many reasons I love it), but it was great to have a chance to catch up in person and have her meet Mark and Allan. We took her around to some of Dundee’s best sites including the Howff, the McManus, Discovery, the dragon as well as the other lovely sculptures, and many fine cafés and pubs. I think it was a success.

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  1. Byron says:

    It was a great success–from craic to pub crawl to dragons to that comfy bed. So grateful to spend time with you and Mark and Allan and Terry. Did my old heart good. I Love Dundee!

    1. katelaity says:

      It was a delight to have you. Come back soon!

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