Dublin WorldCon & Inanna Sale


Get The Ascent of Inanna (includes me!) for just $10 this weekend only. Click here.


I will be attending WorldCon in Dublin next week along with a huge crew of folks — including the Fox Spirit skulk! My schedule includes:


16 Aug 2019, Friday 17:00 – 17:50, Wicklow Hall 2A (Dances) (CCD)

A love letter to the people who do the thankless work behind the scenes at SFF cons everywhere!

It’s three days before the start of ConEIRE, the best Irish-themed science fiction and fantasy con in the tri-state area, when a phone call sets the entire Convention Committee into panic mode. Is Big Name Writer going to pull out at the last minute? What does Very Famous Artist have to do with that decision? And what do the fairies have to say about all this? Follow the hilarious mishaps as the committee members work desperately to salvage months of planning and hard work, all of which are about to be undone by a well-known prima donna.

Dr K. A. Laity (M), Penny Jones, Mr simon jones, Dr Tracy Fahey, Chloë Yates (The Skulk Players), Adele Wearing (Fox Spirit Books), Tom Everley (Fox Spirit Books).


Why is it always raining in Gotham? Noir themes in SF

16 Aug 2019, Friday 21:00 – 21:50, Wicklow Hall 2B (CCD)

Noir tropes are hugely popular in science fictional settings, such as China Miéville’s The City and the City, or William Gibson’s Neuromancer. In what ways are noir tropes adapted or subverted within the genre? Is there a difference in the ways SF books, comics, and movies use elements of noir? The panel will discuss the uses of noir across SF genres and formats.

Errick Nunnally, Madeline Ashby (M), Laurence Raphael Brothers, Dr K. A. Laity, T. R. Napper


Misconceptions in medieval history

17 Aug 2019, Saturday 10:00 – 10:50, Wicklow Room-4 (CCD)

The medieval period is a rich source of inspiration for writers of speculative fiction, but medieval life has been so romanticised in popular culture that it has become hard to separate the chaff of fiction from the wheat of historical fact. Our panel of medievalists will saddle up their warhorses and ride to rescue the damsel of medieval history!

E. C. Ambrose (M), Rebecca Slitt, S.A. Chakraborty, Dr K. A. Laity, Chris Humphreys 


Crusaders and Fairy Kings

17 Aug 2019, Saturday 11:30 – 12:20, Odeon 6 (Academic) (Point Square Dublin)

Dr Claire Collins – ‘Truth vs Fiction: Ireland in Crusader Kings II

Dr K. A. Laity – ‘Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know: the Celtic Fairy Realm in Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Find me there where I will spend the time plotting with Fox Spirit and drinking tea with Debi.